Saturday, January 21, 2023


I was looking at some of my older posts. I realized I had posted about the expectations a person might have versus reality when it comes to leaving Hungary for the United States, with the notion of becoming a citizen here.  Here is more.

1) Do everything legally. It's true it will feel like there are many obstacles and will take time, however, in the end you will not fear deportation or other legal issues. We are interested in legal immigrants.  We fear the illegals who are coming into the country as criminals. By checking in with the governmental agencies and following the rules, which includes showing you can be a good citizen, you are proving you are not one of those who hurt our country.

2) Come with lots of money. If you have family, work, or sponsorship in a big, expensive city, that is one thing. If you are coming alone especially I would not advise anyone to go where the cost of living is killing the locals which usually also means there are housing shortages. Smaller cities have more to offer right now. Do your research. There can be dramatic differences in the lifestyle from one city to another or one neighborhood and another. How much? ($20,000 American dollars is probably the amount you need to rent for a year, plus pay your basic necessities.)

3) Connect with the local Hungarian-American social club. Make friends, network, and speak your language. If you do obtain citizenship you will always also be Hungarian also. Although over the generations ethnic identity fades, it will always be your heritage.  And that's a good thing.

4) Speak decent English. I know, so many Hungarian-Americans don't speak Hungarian and it's not fair. In some parts of the United States, speaking Spanish is also very helpful. You probably already have more knowledge of English than a typical American has of Hungarian.

5) Don't come via a promise of marriage to an American. There are many solicitations on the Internet advertising Beautiful Women from countries such as Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and so on. Think about this: With so many millions of American woman available, what makes a man solicit a woman for marriage from a country far away?  I will tell you that some of these men expect obedience or for the woman to be submissive far more than an American woman would be. You will be very far away from a support system if you want to leave him and he has monopolized you in that case. There are plenty of women here who are traditional enough to want to marry and be stay at home mothers and wives, so that is not the issue that is keeping him from marriage to an American.

Even if you meet an American man who is traveling in Hungary and have a good time with him or spend time with him, be careful, ask a lot of questions, perhaps visit him here and go back before any decision is made. There are good American men and love is love, but there are also, unfortunately men who lie and intend to turn a woman into a prostitute or sex traffic her. There are gangs and organized crime organizations that do this. So - I cannot express enough that you must have connections with people here, through family, school, work.

6) Consider becoming educated here. Although there are many famous and expensive universities and colleges, there are many state run colleges and lower cost community colleges. Ask about out of country and out of state fees as well as scholarships. However, do not believe it if a school claims that after you graduate they will place you in employment. Your student Visa may run out, so consider also if your American educational credits will transfer to other schools in Hungary or Europe.

7) Once here, say hello to your Hungarian Consulate. Don't wait for a bad situation.  Let them know you are here and they may be able to help.

C 2023 Magyar-American BlogSpot

Friday, January 6, 2023


We'll be starting up this new year soon, but until then you may amuse yourself by reading through my archives.  Also, the other people's blogs I have listed on my sidebar!  (There's some interesting information in there!)

If you are part of a Hungarian or Hungarian-American club or organization that I haven't listed, or you have suggestions for my Wonderful-Hungary series please leave me a comment with information or a link!