Thursday, February 2, 2017




Csalad means that it is the family house of heritage, parents, the stead.  If you find this, you may just have located where a particular family considers their origins to be, no matter how much other property you find they own elsewhere!  *** This might just help you go forward rather than backwards with your genealogy search.  A cross check might be running the surname and county through FAMILYSEARCH, the free LDS database.  Check the church records and other census to see what you can find about the family in that town or village or country house. Remember though that the same surname does not always mean the same family or branch of the family.

It's possible also that this CSALAD  once was the place of origin of the family, but even in the 18th century people moved around a lot, more than we can imagine.

For nobility, it was more common for the bride to go to the groom's mother's house after the marriage was arranged, sometimes as young as 10 years old, younger if the child's parents died, so that the bride to be and the groom to be could grow up a bit together. These arranged marriages sometimes required traveling for weeks with an entourage and across the country. For nobility, my research over many years has shown that marriages occurred younger since it wasn't necessary for the groom to prove himself as a trade apprentice first. (In the 1800's I've found a number of brides age 16 who are nobility or marrying nobility.)

Marie Theresa and the Hapsburgs were CATHOLIC and they wanted CATHOLOCISM to be the religion of the country they ruled, but many of the nobility and royalty had become Protestant and didn't comply with another religious switch. You might think this census focuses on who is Catholic, but it does not.  Houses of worship as well as schools for priests are contained in it.


BUDAI JEZSUITA KOLLEGIUM (see Torokbalint in Pest-Pilis- Solt)
(Remember that Buda and Pest are not united as one city at this time. Buda is in the hills and Pest is in the flats.)
This is the Jesuit College of Buda


TELKI APATSAG  (See Telki in Pest-Pilis-Solt)
This means the ABBEY of Telki
OROKKE - this word means perpetuity.  Other similar words are OROKBE - for keeps, OROK - timeless, and OROKIFJU - ageless.  If you see this word on the census it means that it is understood that the person or institution will always own the property!  (Of course this is an assumption that doesn't always play out in history.)

You will find colleges or schools for priests and ministers as well as SOME churches listed, but I've read a few towns that I know had a church from way back without seeing the church listed... possibly there is only a chapel there of the church was built later than this date.

*** Additional notes May 2017... Another way of looking at the CSALAD family home distinction, in a list of Cottars and Renters of buildings, is that the census taker may be stating that this particular dwelling is owned not rented.  Additionally, you may find in many counties families with the same surname who rent and own .  Remember that a szeller/ building could be a barn, a workshop, even a bar. I've learned that Cottar implies that the person owns or rents a house on a small plot of land, generally only big enough for the family to have their own vegetable and herb garden.

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