Wednesday, May 1, 2019


I've been aware that the Victorians (English) had their own language of flowers in which various blooms and colors conveyed emotions in a more romantic and perhaps subtle way than blurting out something better left not obvious.  

But what of the HUNGARIANS? 

I did a little research on this and if you're Hungarian, or in a relationship with a Hungarian, you definitely do not want to follow another ethnic groups flower language.   Officially this study is called floriography.  

Culled from a number of informational web sites, here it is:


FUNERALS :  White lilies, roses in white, pink or red shades, and chrysanthemums, especially white, are the flowers to present. Never give "mums" for other occasions.  Red roses mean your love for the person will never end.  White flowers woven into a wreath...

OVERALL : Avoid giving 13 flowers in any bouquet which is considered unlucky. Always give a number that is uneven.  Even numbers of flowers are considered unlucky.


Daffodils mean that you want more than friendship.
White carnations tell a person that you consider yourself uncommitted to them. Yellow tulips represent unrequited love.  (Throw those in with some daffodils and you are communicating that you are really hurting without her!)  Yellow roses used to mean jealousy but now mean that you are friends. (Thus yellow roses with white carnations are a way to tell someone you are breaking with them but want to remain friendly.)

TULIPS, the national flower, are almost always good to give in colors, particularly pink, and add a touch of sincerity to your bouquet.  (Mixed in with lilies and the giver is thinking about marrying his love!)

ROSES are also almost always good, especially pink - happy ones.  Red and white roses mixed in a bouquet mean harmony, as in a unified relationship.  But do not give roses for a first date in Hungary.  That's just too serious.

LILACS : White for innocence, purple for the beginnings of love.

SUNFLOWERS :  Always cheery, a good flower to include in a friendly bouquet or as a house warming gift.

DAISIES : Also friendly and good for gift giving.

WILD or FIELD FLOWERS : Happiness: Also friendly and good for gift giving.  Include into this category any flowers that are in orange colors.

PEONIES - the rose without thorns.  An excellent flower to decorate church. Associated with lasting and happy marriage.  Also associated with prosperity.  Thus a perfect flower for romance and weddings.

BABY's BREATH - popular in the United States as a "filler" : don't use it.  Filler should be healthy and green.

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