Saturday, March 20, 2021


 National Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Center

There are a number of ways that people who lived in the Carpathian Mountains as a separate, East Slavic ethnicity are identified. Rusyn or Ruthenian, Greek Catholic, erroneously Russian. Within their ethnicity there are the Lemkos, the Boykos, and the Hutsels. A great number of Rusyn villages were and are in Hungary. Generally in the mountains of Slovakia, Belorus, and Ukraine, these people have not had a nation to call their own. Some intermarried or assimilated to the nation they found themselves living in.

The Spis area had some Rusyn habitations.

I've been checking on what's new with the people in a place called Munhall near Pittsburgh who started this organization a few years ago and learned they went National with about 1800 members. They have a number of information YouTube videos as well. If you or family members are Greek Catholic or Byzantine, and you find your surname on the list, you may share some Rusyn in your Hungarian Heritage. Listening to the short lecture by Mr. Rigatti, I learned that the Hungarian land Barons and Slovaks let the Rusyn people live their culture. Then things changed.