Besides using the Hungaricana (a site belonging to the National Archives of Hungary) to search for the information on the Urbarium 1767, the census ordered by Queen Marie Theresa at a time when Hungary was part of the Austrian Empire, you'll want to search the site for information held in it's archives and special collections about the time, place, and people of a region. This other. often incredibly important information, can be read in English, using the Google Search engine and the opportunity to translate. To clarify, the translator will not work on the archived images of the Urbarium, but it will work to translate excerpts from books.
On the Urbarium, as previously mentioned, you will encounter places that seem to be wholly owned by a church or religious entities, an "Ecclesiastica" entity, or where there are monasteries, nunneries, bible colleges, priest education centers, pilgrimage sites, and so on.
Using the search HUNGARICANA URBARIUM GONC, for instance (Gonc being the town previously mentioned, the name translating to "Hustle Bustle," perfect for a town that was integral in the marketing and shipping as part of the agricultural and vineyards economy as well as the coopering of the "Gonc wine barrel) I not only pull up information about the town but this:
This book is about a time and place in which the Hungarians and the Churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, had suffered the devastation of the occupying Turks. TWO THIRDS of the HUNGARIAN POPULATION WAS SLAUGHTERED BY THE MUSLIM TURKS. Because of this devastation, people were invited in to settle and populate the country from other countries and ultimately this provided in country ethnic diversity. This is when Germans in particular started coming into the country by sailing down the Danube or traveling in the equivalent of the Wagon Trains we're familiar with in America. (And to this day the Constitution of Hungary states this is a Christian country which ties in with current attitudes about immigrants.)
The book selected to link to as an example of the NATIONAL ARCHIVES of HUNGARY archives is from the 18th century but it has information collected in the 1500's! It's about the properties by county and place owned by the church. It mentions places destroyed during the Turk's invasion and occupation. Gonc itself is only mentioned once.
But there's a lists of properties including that which HERMITS had taken over from them in the mid 1500's.
On the Urbarium, as previously mentioned, you will encounter places that seem to be wholly owned by a church or religious entities, an "Ecclesiastica" entity, or where there are monasteries, nunneries, bible colleges, priest education centers, pilgrimage sites, and so on.
Using the search HUNGARICANA URBARIUM GONC, for instance (Gonc being the town previously mentioned, the name translating to "Hustle Bustle," perfect for a town that was integral in the marketing and shipping as part of the agricultural and vineyards economy as well as the coopering of the "Gonc wine barrel) I not only pull up information about the town but this:
This book is about a time and place in which the Hungarians and the Churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, had suffered the devastation of the occupying Turks. TWO THIRDS of the HUNGARIAN POPULATION WAS SLAUGHTERED BY THE MUSLIM TURKS. Because of this devastation, people were invited in to settle and populate the country from other countries and ultimately this provided in country ethnic diversity. This is when Germans in particular started coming into the country by sailing down the Danube or traveling in the equivalent of the Wagon Trains we're familiar with in America. (And to this day the Constitution of Hungary states this is a Christian country which ties in with current attitudes about immigrants.)
The book selected to link to as an example of the NATIONAL ARCHIVES of HUNGARY archives is from the 18th century but it has information collected in the 1500's! It's about the properties by county and place owned by the church. It mentions places destroyed during the Turk's invasion and occupation. Gonc itself is only mentioned once.
But there's a lists of properties including that which HERMITS had taken over from them in the mid 1500's.
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