Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Maybe most dogs do. 

I just know that my dog is so obsessed with squirrels that she doesn't care if she hurts herself to chase them.  She could care less if she pulls her leash tight against her neck or that she breaks a nail leaping into a tree. I worry that she will get away from me and get hit by a car; I want her to have a long life and more natural death.  She has only gotten away from me twice, even breaking her leash, and both times it was because a squirrel was antagonizing her, or playing. 

Then she was suddenly a field away, galloping with glee, and it made me feel bad, that she has to live a life in which she is almost always in step with me, a tug at her neck, like a slave.

My dog is actually a sweetheart and only shows her hunting and killer instinct when it comes to squirrels, or playing with some of her toys which she treats as road kill.  Most of the time she is beloved by all, old people and children especially, because she is so gentle.  Never one to bite, even when a bratty child is trying to grab her by the nuzzle or pull her ears, (Really, the parents of these children are not doing their job to allow their children such behavior!).  She has been attacked by other dogs four times and each time she goes home and throws up.

Apparently not everyone in this world likes dogs or thinks they are clean.

Squirrels: I read that some people are upset with all the squirrel poop, comparing it to all that horse poop that is also in our urban environment.  Really, I wondered where this was going.  Maybe in the same direction as the attitude towards pigeons which is that there are way too many, that they are filthy, that they spread disease, that their poop is disgusting, so go ahead and poison them.

I dare say that I may have met someone who has eaten squirrel but never anyone who has eaten a pigeon.

In my neighborhood there are some Muslims and they think dogs are so unclean that they are not supposed to even touch them.  Muslims who need the assistance of an animal are allowed to take small horses (three feet tall) as their service animals into the local libraries!  A librarian tells me the rule is "as long as the horse is trained not to make a poop inside the library!"

I say, this may be bad, but it's not as bad as what Koreans do (or used to) and that is eat dogs.

If you are wondering what the difference between a Korean and a Hungarian is...