"The Time Machine is ideal for deep research as well as relaxation."
You will have to play a bit with this aspect of the Hungaricana databases. but for the purposes of this blog, we will look at what is available about a particular lot:
HUNGARICANIA : LOT 24008 1056 BUDAPESTHelyrajziSzam/24008/.
You see there is information as far back as year 1688 about this property. There is a topography map and a map of present day Budapest, showing the eateries and that this property on Iranyi Street is about a three block walk to the Danube.I encourage you to click on a whole lot of links and find your way around the TIME MACHINE...
If you are not Hungarian speaking, you will probably need the Translator to understand what the links hold.
Hungarian Genealogy and History Tips in this series can be viewed together by clicking on the tab Hungaricana Fun
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