Saturday, September 10, 2022


In September of 2014 I posted a series of Genealogy Tips focused on the special considerations researching Hungarian women of our heritage. In an effort to make all the genealogy tip series I've written for this blog, I've given each a unique label as well as icon.

The label, which you can click to bring up the series, is GenTips - Hungary Women

The series also uses the icon to the left which comes from Wikimedia . The image was scanned by Szilas from the book Erdely Tortenet (History of Transylvania) which was held in the National Szehenyi Library and is identified as being an Hungarian noble of Transylvania.

(Costume Bilder aus Siebenbürgen)

You must go to the original image to determine if you can use it for your purposes, as it may depend on what country you're using it in. 

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