Thursday, August 25, 2022


I think it's difficult for Hungarian-Americans or those American citizens of Hungarian heritage to entirely relate to the "Conservative Christian" or "Christian" take on some of the issues.  While there are various reasons Hungary and Prime Minister Orban may wish to keep ties with Russia and President Vladimir Putin, especially economically, and the Hungarian People are taking in Ukrainian refugees in dramatic numbers, his rant against Communism and association with Liberal Progressives as Communists does not sit well with me.

First of all, Russia is a Communist Country, and it's quite possible that Putin's aim is to reinstate the Soviet Union which would re-establish Communism in Hungary.

Secondly Communism as it has been played out does not jive with Christianity.

However Socialism, also questionable, and Christianity do seem to share some beliefs.

To be a Progressive Liberal in the United States (such as to align oneself with Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders or Independent Marianne Williamson) is to believe that based on humanity, a person deserves food, shelter, and clothing, as well as education and health care, with the idea of elevating humanity as a whole. Taking care of our brothers and sisters is the aim and that is something that can be done without a belief in Jesus.

That said, there are a whole lot of people who call themselves Christians who do not meet the test.  Jesus said however we treat someone else is how we treat Him...

I don't want to get  too preachy here.  Life has taught me to get to know an individual and how they treat me and others may not depend on what they say they believe.  When you have not yourself it's difficult to also give to others.  

Don't we all want WORLD PEACE?

I guess not...

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