Lake Szelid is a shallow lake - about 9 1/2 feet deep on the average - that was once part of the Danube. Located in Southern Hungary in Bac-Kiskun County Great Plain region, Szelid is the country's fifth largest lake and a less known resort destination. In recent times a bike path has been constructed around the lake which is about two and a half miles by about a half mile. Once considered a summer location, the renewed bike path which is being kept clean and de-iced, is usable past the season. Unlike so many hot mineral waters that people soak in for healing, Lake Szelid does not smell like sulfur. (However, I personally do not know if I would want to soak and fish in the same water and apparently some big fish have been caught, maybe all the bathers scare them!) In fact, the alkaline water is thought to feel velvety!