Tuesday, November 3, 2020


There has been early voting, mail in voting, drop of voting, and today, in person voting. California has a way of checking every ballot that comes in for authenticity and so that there is no duplication. I, and most of my friends, chose to drop ours off in a special box near the closest library, where there is also a security guard watching the library property.  We know this box gets emptied at least once a day by vetted personnel and trust it.

From the media I've learned that voting has gone impressively UP for this election.  That's good.  We participate in Democracy.

I'm a little anxious about today.  I will be watching or listening to election news much of the day.  I really have no idea how it will go.

There are some vigorous Trump supporters out there - sailing their boats and driving their vehicles in MAGA caravans. I'm worried about violent clashes.  I know stores are boarding up windows to prevent looting, should that begin to happen.

Last election I was watching the votes come in and states go from red to blue, blue to red, and sometimes back again, and about 6 PM I just knew Trump was to be our next President.  The next day I went to a library and a lot of people were waiting outside to be let in when it opened.  Several of them said things like, "Don't tell me who won. Don't ruin my day."

I believe that the stress of Covid-19 and our economic problems, that being limited in where we can go and what we can do to alleviate that stress, and the time off from the workplace, has meant that more people are willing and able to protest.

But peaceful is peaceful - not violent.  Also protesters whose intention it is to protest peacefully might want to take a little class on what makes that so. How should one behave? Once a peaceful protest becomes an excuse or opportunity for looters and violent people, I believe the leadership needs to responsibly call that off.

I also feel great concern to Europe.  If you're in Europe reading this, we know about the 400 mile traffic jam of people leaving Paris before their month-long lock-down was to begin, the lock-down situation in England, and the situation in Germany.  These European countries seem to be in our news frequently.  When it comes to Hungary - Poland - Slovakia, one must search out news. 

Mask wearing has gotten to us all, and what if it doesn't work?  BUT WHAT IF IT DOES?

I remain masked up.  I now own a wardrobe of hand-sewing, purchased, and gifted masks, including one use masks, and masks that have been laundered repeatedly.

And hand-washing.  We are hand-washing several times a day.  It seems we always did do that first thing, coming in to the house after being out somewhere, but now we never forget.

And so we await history.

C Magyar-American BlogSpot