Sunday, June 7, 2020


So, I'm in frequent contact with a senior I admire, someone who is very picky about what foods she eats.  She can afford to be picky.  On the way over to visit with her, I saw some tents being set up near a school.  Since in California there has been a move towards homeschooling or learning by virtual contact with a teacher and classroom, this same location was where hundreds of laptop computers were given free to students.  I stopped to ask what was going on and it turned out the place had been selected randomly for a major food bank in Los Angeles to give away food because they had "too much."  I was told that this food was not the usual cans and peanut butter.  They had produce.  I decided to accept some food to take to her.

This is what was in the boxes they gave me.

Onions - no brand

Apples - no brand (we assume Oregon)

Nectarines from the FAMILY TREE FARM in Reedly, California

Carrots from FRUTIA - KERN RIDGE GROWERS, Arwin, California

Celery from FOXY USA - Nunes Company, Salinas, California

Potatoes from IDAHO FRESH in Menan, Idaho

Lemons from BELLE OF PIRU, Fillmore-Piru Citrus, Fillmore, California

Strawberries from BEACH STREET FARMS, Watsonville, California

Lettuce from GREEN GIANT, Chuck Brothers, Salinas California

I was AMAZED.  I also worried that the reason that there was so much produce donated or purchased by some entity of our United States of America government was that these things were going to go bad if they were not soon eated.  My friend outright refused the strawberries, saying that they were on the top 20 list for foods that hold poisons and should only be eaten if organic.


The celery went into a soup heavy with celery.
The carrots into another soup, heavy with carrots.
She used the lettuce because it was Green Giant.
The nectarines were out of this world delicious.

How WONDERFUL - for now - that so many people are going to food bank giveaways in order to stay in ever shrinking budgets.

C 2020 Magyar- American BlogSpot