Monday, February 3, 2020


A sense of shame and embarrassment over a President who I've come to abhor is only somewhat balanced by watching Saturday Night Live parodies of him and other elected officials before and after the impeachment debacle. Lampooning and mudslinging are part of the American tradition - opinion and artistic freedoms are important.  Probably every American President has been ridiculed publicly but never has it been more intense and divisive.  And yes, I think American is going to endure this for a total 8 years in office. I imagine VP Mike Pence secretly desirous of the Presidency, of having numerous supporters in wait, even plans for how he would appoint to the cabinet.

Never have their been more unfilled vacancies in the State Department.
Working for Trump is a great way to get fired and/or ruin your career.

Elect him if you want more senior citizens homeless in the streets, if you want more school children to have diets lacking nutrition, if you want more people forced to fake it and become members of churches to get their needs met.

Sorry to say.