Besides the names of wealthy and noble COUNTS (GR. Graf or Grof) that you'll see on the Urbarium of 1767, you will see that YES, there ARE WOMEN WHO ARE OWNING PROPERTIES. Most of them listed are clearly widows. Yet the term Grafne, Countess, is not used but implied if the GR is used for the husband. (Ne is the Hungarian suffix to a surname that indicates the woman is married and to whom.)
TURANSZKY LASZLONE OZV. (See (village) Imreg in Zemplen county)
This translates to the widow of Laszlo Turanszky (and she sure does have a lot of property in many named places!) (OZV is the abbreviation for widow frequently seen in other historical records.)
NAGY JANOSNE HARTVIK ROZALIA (See village Toszeg in County of Pest-Pilis-Solt)
This translates to Roszalia Hartvik widow of Janos Nagy, and I think her full birth name is included because the name JOHN BIG/GREAT is so EXTREMELY COMMON. Notice that she is likely Slovak and he is Hungarian, and neither are considered nobility.
How do you know if the named place is a town, village, or farmland? Well, you will want to read the details, but a clue that it's farmland only - A FIELD, is that it has no HAZATLAN on it owned by the property owner/administrator. HAZ means house, but the word HAZATLAN means buildings. You can't even say dwelling, as it could be a tool shed or a barn. The workers may live elsewhere, in huts, sleep in fields, or the owner of the land might have a fine house not too far away in a cluster of houses - a village or town. (Wealthy property owners may also live in town but have overseers at their country properties.)
LELESZI PREMONTREI PREPOSTAGE (See village Lelesz in County Zemplen)
This translates purely to the PROVOST is the administrator for the property, like the landlord has hired a management company and is absentee. Although the word Provost in English is most associated with an educational institution or sometimes a religious one, in this case think administrator or property manager!
EXAMPLE : KIRALYI KAMARA. (Seen in many locations)
This sounds like the property is owned by a King, right? But in Hungarian a Kirayi Kamaras translates to Groom, or lord of the bedchamber, so likely the census taker talked to someone in the position of being a servant to the owner, rather than the administrator PREPOSTAGE above. (Think houseboy!) In other words the person who answered the door. Ah well, neighbors reported on neighbors on the USA 1940 Federal Census too, so even Queen Marie Theresa's census takers didn't always find a home/palace owner home!
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