Wednesday, August 17, 2016


It's almost old news that the AMERICAN DEMOCRAT-SOCIALIST CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, Bernie Sanders,  has failed to gain the ticket to Presidency. 

However, considering the CLINTON's have been campaigning for years and have what we call THE PARTY MACHINE in their favor,  SANDERS PROVED TO BE AMAZINGLY COMPETITIVE.  he touched the hearts and souls of so very many who know that we need to do more as a country for our citizens who make average incomes or less and who are struggling.

Since he ran on the Democratic ticket, Sanders was obliged to say that all votes for him should now go to Hilary Clinton.  I forgave him.  The bad news was that he is not a "write in" candidate.

I like thousands of others thought they could, but it turns out that if you want to be a "write in" candidate you have to file to be on the ticket - of each state - individually.  It was too late.

Sanders went back to be the Senator he was before his run.
But believe me when I say that he is not forgot, nor is his message forgotten.

On the bike path nearby where I live, his GRASS ROOTS SUPPORTERS took chalk and wrote their own messages encouraging people to vote for him.

He was the only candidate that had volunteers who had not been down to campaign headquarters making home made signs and holding them up for hours at high traffic intersections.

I had not seen this kind of GRASS ROOTS SUPPORT for any candidate in my lifetime.

Will the amazing show of support that he had when it came to the Democratic Primaries actually change the platform of that party and lead to some or any of the changes that the people who spoke up about what they wanted from him with their vote?

I've been vocal about my candidate and why I wanted him to be our President.

First, I must say that from the very beginning I suspected that DONALD TRUMP really wanted the Democrats to win the next Presidency.  Every time I read another article about him I wince.  The man has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth and having to backtrack to say what it was he really meant.  I've met many people who say they will vote for him because they see his personal business success as an indicator that he can pull our country out of the economic crisis it has been in for so very many citizens for years now.

However, TRUMP doesn't always succeed in business.
And our national debt went to nothing when we had PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON in the White House.

There's just one problem for me with THE CLINTONS, and it's a big one.

I can understand that some people get married and take their vows seriously yet that marriage can be difficult and that sometimes one or both of them go ahead and fall in love with someone else, or have an affair.  Several of my friends through the years have done just that.

There's that, and then there is the womanizing that "Bill" has apparently been committed to for years.  It wasn't just Monica Lewinsky, who has had a very difficult life over the public exposure of her romance with Bill (for surely she was in love with him), that he was womanizing with.

Some people say to me, "Well, JKF did that too. and Jackie put up with it."

Yes, but Jackie wasn't an IVY LEAGUE EDUCATED CAREER WOMAN who MADE AN OUTSTANDING AMOUNT OF MONEY (more than Bill for some time) AS A LAWYER.

I could even understand why Jackie or Hillary would "stand by their man" while he was still in office.  However, I DO NOT ADMIRE HILLARY CLINTON FOR NOT DIVORCING BILL,.

NO these TWO are members of a POWER COUPLE for whom, grand mothering aside, ARE NO EXAMPLE TO US of PERSONAL MORALITY.  And that to me should be considered.

SO I LIKE THAT BERNIE SANDERS got married and stayed married to the same woman all these years, with no scandals.  I know that if he got into the White House we'd never have to worry about him receiving sexual services from an intern while on the phone with VLADIMIR PUTIN or any other world leader.  And it would be sexist of me to think that HILLARY would never, just because she is a woman.

I agree that we must now focus on the candidates who are running for lesser offices than the Presidency - our Senators and Congresspeople and local representatives in City Councils.

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