Thursday, October 1, 2015


The election of the next President of the United States is far away but the election process has started as various candidates dare to run, some more famous than others.  I have a friend who wants Bernie Sanders, the openly socialist candidate to win.  In particular he thinks of Obamacare, the slang term for mandatory medical insurance coverage that has begun under the administration of President Barack Obama, as socialist. 

I don't agree.  Social medicine is run by the government.  Here we have to pick a plan and pay for it, though if you are truly poor you might be covered by a plan that uses taxes.

But right now I'm so turned off of politics that I can't imagine voting for anyone who is running!

I did notice some grassroots campaigning for Sanders taking place, and that cheered me.  Some common citizens with hand drawn posters were standing at a busy intersections and waving these posters.  "Honk if you want Bernie!"  I prefer that kind of local activism to all the expensive media campaigning.

Do I really want to live in a Socialist  country?  No.  No more than I would want to live in a Communist Country.  I think my friend doesn't know how much is dictated to you when you are a participant in government health care and other so called social welfare programs.  Yes, we can take care of the poor better than we do, but that is a spiritual choice.

This friend is from Texas where he says there are black widow spider's everywhere.  I found some in my apartment crawling but not their nest.  I managed to kill one crawling on the wall with some ecologically correct insect spray.  I believe they came inside because of the drought. 

Well, my friend managed to never get bit in Texas but about five days ago he got bit here in Southern California by something on his back - in his car!  (I've since learned that mechanics here frequently find Black Widow spiders in vehicles and get bit! ) He can't see it but he can feel the pain and the swelling, which is about five inches in diameter.  And he will not go to a doctor or urgent care.

Why not?

He is covered under Obamacare.

Certainly that is the place to go where the bite can be examined to be sure it is not infected and perhaps besides some pain killers or antibiotics he can get something to reduce the swelling.

This is not the first time this year that he has had a medical issue that might have benefited from seeing a doctor.  He also decided to let his body fight an infection in a tooth, and when I saw him he had lost 10 pounds and looked like the blood had drained from his face.

What is the fear of using his insurance.

One of my friends thinks that he is afraid because he knows that there is actually something else very wrong with his health and that seeing a doctor over something minor might lead to tests that might reveal a more serious diagnosis.


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