Sunday, January 20, 2013


BUKK NATIONAL PARK SITE (In English, Hungarian, and Slovak)  link here!

Readers, on Christmas evening I had that feeling that I was coming down with something.  Sure enough I spent the next week with an allergy-driven head cold from hell, two of them in bed, finally giving in to big doses of pain killer and antihistimine.  When I took my dog out for a walk I felt winded if I went more than a block, so of course, with all the news about a flu epidemic, I grew concerned that I was weak.  My doctor said "come in NOW!"  So I took a half day off to go in without an appointment and wait for a moment when I could take the flu shot.  I am recovering fully. It's so cold in Southern California that the leaves changed color and fell off the trees!

What does this have to do with BUKK NATIONAL PARK?  Well, I was researching to post about the park when I got sick. So, here is a dramatic video of winter at the park, and the link to the site!