Friday, February 10, 2012


"Other countries along the Danube, including Austria, Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, had already suspended river traffic because of the freeze.

The 2,860-kilometre (1,780-mile) river, which flows through 10 countries and is vital for transport, power, irrigation, industry and fishing, was nearly wholly blocked from Austria to its mouth on the Black Sea.

In Hungary, 60 to 70 percent of the river was frozen, with only ice-breakers remaining in action, especially in the south of the country, officials said."
The full AP Press article and pictures is linked.

Last year the Deep Freeze covered the United States of America. Estimates are that a couple billion dollars in loss was experienced. This year the weather in New York isn't that much different than the weather in Los Angeles. All around the United States people who were bundled up last year are out playing sports in shorts! (To you Hungarians out there - Really! So you see, there is hope.)

This year it's Europe and other parts of the world experiencing the Deep Freeze. I'm hearing radio news reports that hundreds in Europe have died. Frankly, this does not sound like Global Warming to me. It sounds like a new Ice Age! Earth changes certainly, though I honestly don't know how much is natural cycles or man-made pollution causing the hole in the Ozone layer! I'm concerned but helpless. Like you I might be able to stay out of the sun a bit more, take my walks early in the morning; I don't even think the chemicals in sun screens should be put on the skin!