Thursday, March 23, 2023


EGGS provide valuable protein in our diets so we are in a crisis when we cannot afford them. However, we can use other ingredients to substitute for eggs in our baking, perhaps leaving the real eggs to be eaten boiled or scrambled.

Eggs provide a binder - a substance that holds other ingredients together - when we bake.

APPLESAUCE can be a terrific egg substitute in baking, especially because it ads a little flavor but not overwhelmingly so.  I've used this with success.

1/4 cup APPLESAUCE for every 1 egg - There is no fat in the applesauce so you may want to add a little more oil.

1/4 cup mashed BANANA for every 1 egg.  These do have oil but will add a banana flavor...  So you can make banana bread that is eggless.

FLAX SEEDS... ground.,,, also called "meal." One tablespoon seed to three tablespoons of water.  Let then soak and stir to get consistency.

TOFU - the silky soft kind (made of soybeans) and a fairly neutral flavor. 1/4 cup for every one egg.   Adds protein as well.

BAKING SODA and VINEGAR - helps the loaf rise.  1 teaspoon of soda to 1 tablespoon of vinegar.  Since baking soda is already in many recipes, I confess to not being sure how to adjust a recipe using this option.

PLAIN YOGURT  - 1/4 cup for every 1 egg.

BUTTERMILK  - 1/4 cup for every 1 egg.

PEANUT BUTTER - 3 tablespoons for every 1 egg.  Has oil. Influences flavor.


CARBONATED WATER also called SODA WATER - 1/4 cup for every 1 egg. Helps the rise.

Now, almond butter or carbonated water might work if you're making pancakes.  Peanut butter cookies might be a better use for peanut butter.

I've had great luck with Yogurt as a substitute.

GELATIN - 1 Tablespoon gelatin to 1 Tablespoon cold water.  Like the FLAX SEED MEAL give it a stir as it's a binding agent. Then add 2 tablespoons of boiling water and stir some more... you should see that it's turning into gel.

I haven't tried this but a friend suggests that even flavored gelatin could be a great addition to plain cookies or white cake batter. Such as lemon or orange.

I hope these ideas will help you feel a little less deprived!

Coming up in the next few months, some How To's on making use of groceries one may find in a Food Bank box!