Saturday, November 27, 2021


What Mr. Szonyi has to say about his video series:

Zemplen is a region in the North-Eastern corner of Hungary.  One of the most picturesque parts of the country, characterized by gentle small range hills and lovely valleys, historical towns, medieval churches, Renaissance castles, early modern colleges - witnesses of vital periods of Hungarian history.  This four part video commemorates a long weekend trip beautified by the superb Fall colors of late October, 2018.  I hope my viewers will share my enthusiasm for that region and might even be inspired to plan a visit there.

Friends, as I sometimes do, I found this series searching on YouTube.  It was posted in 2021 and it's outstanding. The photography, voice-over, the pacing, the editing, the sound - music, all of it was outstanding. I highly recommend that you begin with the above video and then watch all four on Zemplen. 

Fuzer Castle, which I most often have seen photos of as a ruin, has been rehabed including the interiors.

As this man (and perhaps his wife) traveled from town to town, I recall using maps and realizing how close these settlements are. And he is right about the historical nature of the region, which was effected by partition so that some of it is now in Slovakia.  I look forward to other videos and more travel.  Enjoy these!