Friday, October 2, 2020


I just loved this documentary film and with the traditional Columbus Day holiday coming up in the United States on October 12th, I thought I'd tell you about it so you can watch it before then.  Oh the archives, the travel, the experts, the royalty (or aristocrats) involved in tracking down the truth of Christopher Columbus.  Italy has claimed him as one of their own, he is said to have gone sailing to discover the New World (the Americas) as financed by Spain, but Portugal is where he was born.

Would you believe that alive today is Christopher Columbus the 20th or Vasco De Gama the 19th?  Well,  you get to hear them talk about their ancestor while the hunt for DNA that could help convince those for whom the paper trail of archival documents is not enough.

So, most amazing to me is that Christopher was not a Christopher or a Columbus at all.  He is said to be the illegitimate son of a noble and his Jewish Mistress.  Instead the Christopher Columbus translation is more of a salutation such as Peace Dove.  At the time of his suspicious death his two sons were begging to know the truth of their heritage and dad wasn't talking.  He may have been related to the monarch King John II of Portugal and he may have stopped over to talk to him before he went on to Spain to report in when he returned. 

There is so much more to learn so tune in. 

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