Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Coronavirus-19 has swept around the world causing economic disaster. I'm well but more worried about money at this point than my health, since my income potential has gone to zero. However, there are a few things I'm doing to get through the next couple weeks without despairing and I think these things may help you too.

Keep to a regular schedule. If you are used to getting up at 6 and going to bed at 10, for instance, keep doing that. Eat at the time you are most used to. Give your body what it expects.

Eat something - peppers - citrus - with Vitamin C every day. If you can't try for a vitamin supplement.

Keep your dog(s) on the schedule they expect as well. Dogs can get cabin fever. However, if avoiding people means getting up earlier or getting sun means taking them out in the afternoon, do so.

Attend to the things that you have neglected, such as sewing, mending, painting, sweeping, going through closets to separate out what you want to keep and what you want to donate, organizing, etc.

Write letters, or send text messages and funny Coronavirus videos (there are many on YouTube) that will keep you connected with others and see the (sometimes dark) humor in things.

Do your family history collecting and writing and genealogy research.

Try new recipes - especially for healthy hearty SOUPS - so long as you have the ingredients.

Groom yourself, your dog, and your yard/ garden. It's spring after all. There is just so much to do, I suspect seeds are still for sale.
Look into trading seeds and heritage seed preservation. Maybe by summer you'll have all the tomatoes you need.

I have pre-posted on the 1828 census so that no matter what there will be posts you can read in April.

This blog has so much information on Hungarian and Hungarian-American genealogy research!

If you find any links broken please let me know by leaving a comment.

UPDATE MAY 30, 2021  Well - the whole situation went on and on and on, didn't it? We are living in an unprecedented crisis.