Saturday, October 19, 2019



Although VAMPIRES have captured our imaginations in pop-culture books and films, it concerns me that there are people on earth who think that Hungarians (from the days when Transylvania was not Romania) are not just related to Vlad Tepes the Impaler like Prince Charles is, but that present day people are, due to their DNA or bloodtypes, actually being born and bred in a place called "The Draconian Caves," a place you will NOT find on any map or on Google Earth.  These people may actually be part REPTILE, which of course links into conspiracy theories of ALIEN-HUMAN hybrids and thus linked to EVIL. The Reptilian theory has something to do with copper levels in the blood and is also linked to having RED HAIR.

Red hair is in my family. 

Now BLOOD TYPES and the differences in human biology because of BLOOD TYPES is of interest to me.  I've read all the Blood Type Diet books by D'Adamo and think there is something to the idea that populations evolved along with the food they were eating depending on if they were Hunter-Gatherers, Agriculturalists, or Nomads. It's possible that your body adapted or mutated to eat some animals and plants as your ancestors have been for thousands of years for benefit and that others are going to be perceived by your body as allergens. I've met people who swear that when they stuck to their blood-type diet they just naturally lost weight, their skin cleared up, their breathing improved, and most of all, their energy levels went way up.

But if you start reading around Draconian Caves and Reptilians then you also begin to realize that there are some scary people out there who may possibly use this fantastical belief of theirs to start isolating and killing other humans. And it get's tied into END TIMES and SATAN.

While I'm complaining here, I'm also concerned that the extremely popular (among born again Christians) series LEFT BEHIND, makes the ANTICHRIST an Eastern European - actually a RUSSIAN.

We are considered ALIENS - strange -  dangerous - possibly not 100% human - and thus targeted - due to ethnicity.  

It really makes me want to sharpen my talons. 

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