REFORM CHURCHES ZEMPLEN / SLOVOKIA translates to English on Google.
I found this site searching for historical information on Nagy Geres and Kis Geres. I found it to be a fascinating site because it has story of various village and town churches that were in Zemplen County, Hungary that are also in Slovakia now. I was able to learn that possibly a town fire may be the reason why I may not be able to get the marriage and birth records I've been periodically checking for through,, etc, for a few years.
One never knows if possibly a transcription project has stalled or if the records were never filmed for microfilm or moved to databases. Possibly the records are in Hungary or Slovakia.
So let me explain that I have often been accused of "extreme genealogy," and that I have research tactics most people do not or would not even think of doing.
What I did years ago was read all the records for 200 years of a certain Catholic church, where I found a second marriage in the Catholic church and the marriages of children in the Catholic church, but no evidence of a first marriage or the grandparent's birth in the same Church.
It was convincing to me (and still is) that this was a Catholic family. But as there is also a Reform church in that town - and the records for it seem not to be available, I had to think "well MAYBE they were not baptized Catholic or married Catholic."
What I did that was extreme was keep track of who was living in certain house numbers. I learned that there probably wasn't anyone from this branch of the family living in the village before 1865. And so they were either Protestant or living elsewhere.
Living in the same dwelling are a couple with the same surname but with a 16 year age difference, which to me means that the person 16 years older is probably not the father. And due to his name and age, I would suspect he was on a 2nd marriage and was a first son in a family. So maybe an uncle? But I can't find this couple married in any records available in databases.
Now that I learned that one of the villages mentioned on a naturalization had a fire about then, I'm thinking that they moved due to that fire and the records went up in flames.
Luckily the brick wall may not have tumbled, but I have so many more lines to follow!
C 2018 Magyar American BlogSpot
Monday, July 30, 2018
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I read that the peonies that grow wild in Southern Hungary (and some other countries with similar regional weather) are red, but when I looked for images of them, there were so many red flowers posted! This image that is probably Russian reminds me of the one peony plant we had in our garden. I love peonies more than roses, for they have no thorns and the perfume hasn't been bred out of them for commercial purposes.
If you have any genuine red Hungarian peony photos you'd like to share, let me know!
Monday, July 23, 2018
AMERICANS FOR HUNGARY CLUB "We are dedicated to improving relations between the USA and Hungary, through charitable projects, cultural exchange, trade, and bringing Hungarian innovations to market.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
source is
Johnny's Garden Crow may be the work of artist
Leslie Brooke (1862-1940)
Saturday, July 14, 2018
PETER F. SUGAR is Professor Emeritus of History and International Studies at the University of Washington.
PETER HANAK is Senior Research Advisor at the Instit6ute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. TIBOR FRANK is Associate Professor History at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest.
These men wrote a book on Hungarian History and on Page 108 of it, it says that after 1620 a new BARON was rare. That there were 70-80 families that made up the aristocracy as it had been easily for hundreds of years. These families were anti-Hapsburgs.
The book also says that after the 1680's the courts tried to raise up more families.
I'm looking for information on ARRANGED MARRIAGES and the role that class would play back in those days. I have an ancestor who received SPECIAL DISPENSATION from the Catholic Church to marry.
Do any of you readers know where I would find the REASON WHY? I suspect there was a class difference, but what reasons would the CHURCH find it necessary to give permission?
PETER HANAK is Senior Research Advisor at the Instit6ute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. TIBOR FRANK is Associate Professor History at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest.
These men wrote a book on Hungarian History and on Page 108 of it, it says that after 1620 a new BARON was rare. That there were 70-80 families that made up the aristocracy as it had been easily for hundreds of years. These families were anti-Hapsburgs.
The book also says that after the 1680's the courts tried to raise up more families.
I'm looking for information on ARRANGED MARRIAGES and the role that class would play back in those days. I have an ancestor who received SPECIAL DISPENSATION from the Catholic Church to marry.
Do any of you readers know where I would find the REASON WHY? I suspect there was a class difference, but what reasons would the CHURCH find it necessary to give permission?
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Saturday, July 7, 2018
EXCERPT: It turns out that countries with lots of immigration have historically relied more on nonverbal communication. Thus, people there might smile more.
EXCERPT: It turns out that countries with lots of immigration have historically relied more on nonverbal communication. Thus, people there might smile more.
Are you one of those people who finds people who don't smile suspicious?
Have you gone into big debt to perfect your own big smile?
I find that when I am relaxed my smile just naturally forms, and I don't have to grease my teeth to make it comfortable.