Wednesday, March 21, 2018


As anyone who reads my blog knows, I have a small dog that I love and have had many adventures with as we take walks together.  She is quite the sentient being, and seems to love life so much, though I'm a morning person, there is no sleeping in when she is raring to go outside. 

Over the last few months we've been walking in nature in less citified areas of Southern California, closer to the beach areas, where the day begins fogged in and this winter season has been colder and stormier than previous winters.  We await glorious profusions of native plants and wild flowers - brilliant orange and golden poppies are beginning to bloom -  because of these rains - and she seems to have become more lively in the cooler temperatures.  We have experienced extreme heat and dust in drought and last summer I was carrying her to the grassy areas because the driveway and sidewalks were too hot for a dog's paws, but I also thought she was aging, slowing down.  Now I think the heat had been getting to her more than I thought, so I hope we will continue our walks in nature and near the beaches, as the exercise is good for both of us.
However, I must say that I am looking forward to spring and warmer temperatures because I have been more bundled up than usual.  I long to wear sandals and dresses or shorts without hose and to feel freer in my movements.