My dog, who is sleeping at my feet at the moment.
The surprise $100 that a Minister gave me from a Deacon's Fund due to an emergency.
And that I'm going to see some relatives that I haven't seen in 18 years, a whole generation grown up without my being part of that, but, I look forward to it.
We told my dog that she's going to have a whole lot more people loving her and that she will get to see the ocean.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Is it true that in Hungary a dog is not respected for being a mixed breed street dog and that people only want pure breeds?
After you see the dog star of the film "Luke and Body" evade the unfeeling animal catchers, endure terrible conditions at the Hungarian equivalent of a "shelter," and be sold to a brutalizer who turns him into a killer for sport, you will be cheering when he leads the pack out of the place, then they rampage in revenge. You'll also be wondering, "Who trained all those dog actors to maraud? And what about that scene where the one dog delights in ripping up a brief case? (I laughed!)
Lots of violence here and without apology. You'll be reminded that packs of dogs have been known to attack humans. But what of the preteen who loved him and searched for him and never wanted to give him up? I won't spoil the ending for you, but let's say that she has her moment with the dogs and we can only hope that they all get away!
Race out and borrow, rent, or buy this film!
Then, make a donation to an animal shelter.
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