Saturday, September 24, 2016


The turn of the seasons is upon us, but in Southern California we are always braced for a last heat wave in October. Still, maybe it's just tradition, but even in a hot climate - and ours has been one "heat wave" after another - it's a good thing to give some of your clothing a rest for a few months before wearing  them again. 

End of the season clearance sales often feature the colors and thinner materials of spring and summer, whites and pastels. Then, though I can't imagine who buys these clothes other than perhaps people who are going to be traveling for work or to visit family in colder climates, the stores put out fall and winter wear that we probably won't wear but a few times, if and when the temperature goes down to about fifty.  An evening of about 50 degrees and some wind might bring us to freezing, and then we have to watch for the fine layer of ice that is on the pavement and cement from the automatic water sprinklers so that we don't fall.  It's rare.

A few years ago we did have a cold and damp winter, one that required that you put the electric heater on in the bathroom for fifteen minutes before you took a shower in the morning.  However, once fully dressed, sweater or light jacket and all, I would go outside and it was too hot to wear the same clothes I wore indoors; layering is essential.

The best thing about such evenings and nights is that some home owners who have fire places go ahead and build themselves a fire that they can enjoy, the wonderful sound of cracking wood and the wonderful smell, which wafts around the neighborhoods.

I was out here for years before I had the occasion to actually wear a wool coat that I had in my closet, and that was Christmas Eve, when I went to an old Spanish Mission for Midnight Mass.

Boots are often sold here, but the women who put on socks or stockings and wear the boots must be mad for fashion and be able to stand sweltering feet!  All shoes including sports shoes made of "man made fibers" hold the heat and so even with powders, socks, and charcoal inserts, such shoes can soon stink!

I have a sweater cloak that I wear in the early mornings when I take my dog out for a walk.  I also put a sweater on her.  But I'm still wearing sandals.

The best reason to put your spring and summer clothes away is that when you pull them back out in the spring, which is March here, they will seem to be a good change and somewhat new because you haven't seen them or worn them in a few months.

I try everything on and if there is something I no longer want to wear, I give it away, usually to the local hospital.

Whatever -  have a glass of wine, pull out your pumpkin recipes, and relax!

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