Thursday, July 7, 2016


When I was growing up, I used to hear adults say, "Nothing's New Under the Sun, there's always Death and Taxes."  But there is Something New Under the Sun All the Time; TECHNOLOGY that these people, who died years ago, COULD NEVER IMAGINE is our reality.
With the technology comes updates and glitches.

Consider that a cell phone I bought a year ago suddenly lost it's news app. and wiped out my bookmarks.  I went to the store to see what might be done, and the salesperson simply said "That's a TWO YEAR OLD PHONE.  They design them to stop functioning.  You can call customer service... but... YOU SHOULD EXPECT THAT ONE DAY THE INTERNET JUST WON'T FUNCTION.
Well, how was I to know I was buying a phone ALREADY ONE YEAR OLD?  ( Hey, Thanks for telling me before I bought it.  The reason I have the low monthly rate I do now was that I bought the PREVIOUS phone for a couple hundred bucks with the promise that my rates would go down.  That phone felt like a miracle for a few months anyway.)
When it comes to cell phones, I've learned that some of them are recycled to be FREE GOVERNMENT PHONES.  But I do wonder about the HUGE TECHNOLOGICAL TRASH HEAP/LAND FILL (or is that OCEAN DUMPING) that must be somewhere full of useless defunct cell phones.
As for this Blog, which I'm dedicated to, let's just say downloading GOOGLE CHROME just made using GOOGLE BLOGGER worse.   It seems to be throwing up all sorts of useless excess code between paragraphs, for instance.  So I'm back-peddling to Internet Explorer.
When I was growing up, on television, they used to say "STAY TUNED FOR A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR...Stay tuned to this BlogSpot until I can upgrade it!