Saturday, July 19, 2014



Another stereotype I've encountered is that Hungarians have a major SWEET TOOTH and eat a lot of deserts, like with every meal, every day, while Hungarian Americans, even those who run and go to the gym still overdo it and may have sweets a couple times a week.

These Hungarians are always out at cafe's having these deserts and the women are always baking them for home.  The Hungarian Americans bake for the holidays but are basically loading up their shopping carts at the grocer for ready-made and actually have a terrible time finding any AUTHENTICALLY HUNGARIAN DESERTS unless they live in an ethnic ghetto that still has immigrant bakers. 

This Sweet Tooth is fond of cakes, pies, and breads, with APRICOTS or CHERRIES or POPPYSEEDS in it.  When a Hungarian American cannot find the authentic bakery they have to settle for something like jam or jelly on white bread, or OREO Cookies dunked in milk!

I think this Sweet Tooth myth is part of the marketing of Hungarians to the world.  You cannot find a travel brochure that doesn't show off fancy deserts, artistic creations, and Hungarians enjoying them along with the tourists.  You know that if and when you visit Hungary you will eat these deserts, drink a lot of very sweet wine,  and gain a lot of weight, but you MUST because you don't want to INSULT  the cook, the host, or anyone!  

Everywhere you go someone will be selling deserts at market stalls, competing to win Best Dessert Contests, or insisting you eat rolls, cakes, pies, and fancier items when you're invited for dinner - that's after you eat an entire pork roast. 

And you want to be invited back.

Not to worry.

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