I believe most Hungarian Americans are WINE DRINKERS and that BEER DRINKING is Germanic or Austrian! This may be ridiculous, because there are wine making regions in these countries too, but it's correct in my experience. Further I think if you're more Slavic, you'll be more interested in Vodka or hard liqueur!
Believe it or not, I hate beer. I believe my entire life time intake of beer is not much more than two six pack. I never buy it. I never ask for it. However, people meaning to be good hosts and hostesses have handed me a beer or offered me a beer, and each time this has happened I think "Maybe my taste buds will have changed."
But they have not.
I think I've managed to get down an entire can or bottle a few times by sipping politely. I've also gone to the ladies room and dumped some of it down the drain so I wouldn't have to drink the whole beer, more than once! Letting a can sit without drinking it past a sip has been another one of my tactics of beer avoidance.
I am so beer adverse that years ago when some German friends invited me to go to a special bar that boasted hundreds of beers from around the world (while most of their patrons probably had Buds or Iron Cities or some other production line beer) and I ordered (do not laugh) a "whisky sour."
It makes no difference to me if beer is ice cold or warm. I hate it.
At the time that I ordered that Whisky Sour I knew of only two drinks based on what friends drank and those were a Whisky Sour or a Rum and Coke! Maybe this is because I was raised to be a lady and the ladies were at the time ordering mixed drinks rather than beer. Beer was for the men!
Tonic water made me want to gag. I couldn't imagine imbibing any hard liquor "on the rocks!"
Eventually I learned that I liked wine best, and to this day, though I drink rarely, I'm still trying various wines in some attempt to understand which ones I like best and why.
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