Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I've dedicated a post to Hungarian Puli dogs, and Weight Pulling Hungarian dogs, but my dog is simply a mixed breed. 

Her medical information says her dad was a Mini Poodle and her mom was a Maltese.  She's about the size of the Mini Poodle and overall looks more like a Poodle, but with that Maltese hair ; neither breed shed which is a plus. 

Recently I went to pay her licence fee for the year after getting her yearly shots and a three year Rabies shot,  and when I got the receipt home I noticed it said she was a one and a half year old white female.  I called Animal Services to tell them that this was wrong.  My dog is overall off white and apricot and she's going to be 5.  They told me that it was just the beginning of the record, that she was actually first adopted there when she was a year and a half old, meaning that I'm her third owner and that she's been in the pokey three times; no wonder she had such bad separation anxiety and a lot of fears when I got her.  We've worked some of those out over time. I used to chase her around to give her a bath but now she comes to the tub and puts her feet up on it.  She likes the towel dry and runs around trying to help me dry her.

It's been hot and usually when I open the door it's cooler inside than out.  Then one day I came home and the dog was there to greet me as usual, but she was avoiding spots of vomit on the floor.  One spot lead to the other.  She had thrown up six times!  Let's put it this ay - the way a person would if they had food poisoning.  I realized that she had not digested her food and been violently ill while I was gone.

This dog has proven to me in the past that she will do things and not do things to please me.  She has a sense of place.  Sometimes I think she waits until I'm home to drink water, which worries me.  I notice that when I get home she races to her water bowl.  I took her to a animal shelter benefit in a small dress (she usually goes without) and the whole time she didn't pee or poo.  She waited until we were on our way home.

Immediately I wondered exactly when she had thrown so much up.  Was it soon after I left for the day?   Had she waited, sick, until I left to vomit when I couldn't see her do it?  Had she been punished in the past for being sick?

The spots were so stinky that the dog herself was avoiding them.

I took her out and she peed.  She seemed to be drinking water and peeing OK. 

Her breath was really bad. 

It was late, she was animated when she saw me.  Was she still sick?

The next morning I took her out for a walk and she chased a squirrel.  How sick could she be? 

I made her plain white rice, which she gobbled.  I stayed home, holding her to me and rubbing her tummy.  We made it to 3 in the afternoon and no vomit.  So I left.  When I returned around 8 PM, she had thrown up the rice, and it looked undigested.

Now I began to really worry.  She lay close to me and I rubbed her belly and told her I loved her and how good she was.  She seemed slightly dull to me.

Had she become allergic to her flea collar or managed to lick it?  Were there any chemicals laying around that I didn't realize were there in her range?  Had her dry dog food gotten bad in the heat? Or did she simply get a virus?

Where things stand right now is that she wants to eat treats especially Greenies and not her dog food.  She's peeing and she's pooping and her morning energy is high.  On the way home I'm going to by jars of BABY FOOD, meat. She is going to be fed baby food and white rice for a few days, unless when I get home she has vomited again.

Then it will be to the vet we go.

I wonder often about her life before me.  I wonder if she was bred more than once.  I wonder if she roamed the streets and killed birds and squirrels for her food. 

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